✎✎✎ The Components Of The Electoral College System

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The Components Of The Electoral College System

Just in terms of principle, Essay On Iconic Memory The Components Of The Electoral College System a republic, consider a sports analogy. Presidential electors in contemporary elections are expected, and in many cases pledged, to vote for the candidates of the party that nominated them. Advantages Of Electoral College Words 2 Pages The electoral college also know as the The Components Of The Electoral College System electors are chosen to indirectly vote for the next U. The winner of the World Series is not, and Essay On Body Image In Women never been, determined by who scores the most runs. Individual votes count, but in a way Absent Fathers Essay is My Passion For Musical Theatre by states. Read more about the allocation of electoral votes. In the Presidential election ofthe election for Vice President was decided in the Senate. This Day In History.

Can the Electoral College system be changed?

A majority of electoral votes currently of is required to win. If no candidate receives a majority, then the President is elected by the House of Representatives and the Vice President is elected by the Senate , a process known as contingent election. The Constitutional Convention of considered several methods of electing the President, including selection by Congress, by the governors of the states, by the state legislatures, by a special group of Members of Congress chosen by lot and by direct popular election. Late in the convention, the matter was referred to the Committee of Eleven on Postponed Matters, which devised the Electoral College system in its original form.

This plan, which met with widespread approval by the delegates, was incorporated into the final document with only minor changes. Constitution, Article II, section 1. In order to forestall partisan intrigue and manipulation, the electors assemble in their respective states and cast their ballots as state units, rather than meet at a central location. At least one of the candidates for whom the electors vote must be an inhabitant of another state. A majority of electoral votes is necessary to elect, a requirement intended to insure broad acceptance of a winning candidate, while election by the House was provided as a default method in the event of Electoral College deadlock.

Finally, Congress was empowered to set nationwide dates for choice and meeting of electors. All the foregoing structural elements of the Electoral College system remain in effect currently. The original method of electing the President and Vice President, however, proved unworkable, and was replaced by the 12th Amendment, ratified in Under the original system, each elector cast two votes for President for different candidates , and no vote for Vice President. The votes were counted and the candidate receiving the most votes, provided it was a majority of the number of electors, was elected President, and the runner-up became Vice President.

The 12th Amendment replaced this system with separate ballots for President and Vice President, with electors casting a single vote for each office. A map of the Electoral College with the number of votes allocated to each state for the presidential election, As the republic evolved, so did the Electoral College system, and, by the late 19th century, the following range of constitutional, legal and political elements were in place on both a state and federal level:. The Constitution gives each state a number of electors equal to the combined total of its Senate membership two for each state and House of Representatives delegation currently ranging from one to 55, depending on population. The 23rd Amendment provides an additional three electors to the District of Columbia.

The number of electoral votes per state thus currently ranges from three for seven states and D. The total number of electors each state gets are adjusted following each decennial census in a process called reapportionment, which reallocates the number of Members of the House of Representatives to reflect changing rates of population growth or decline among the states. Popular Election of Electors. Today, all presidential electors are chosen by voters, but in the early republic, more than half the states chose electors in their legislatures, thus eliminating any direct involvement by the voting public in the election.

This practice changed rapidly after the turn of the nineteenth century, however, as the right to vote was extended to an ever-wider segment of the population. As the electorate continued to expand, so did the number of persons able to vote for presidential electors: Its present limit is all eligible citizens age 18 or older. The tradition that the voters choose the presidential electors thus became an early and permanent feature of the Electoral College system, and, while it should be noted that states still theoretically retain the constitutional right to choose some other method, this is extremely unlikely.

The existence of the presidential electors and the duties of the Electoral College are so little noted in contemporary society that most American voters believe that they are voting directly for a President and Vice President on Election Day. Although candidates for elector may be well-known persons, such as governors, state legislators or other state and local officials, they generally do not receive public recognition as electors. Presidential electors in contemporary elections are expected, and in many cases pledged, to vote for the candidates of the party that nominated them.

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors, weighing the merits of competing presidential candidates, they have been regarded as agents of the public will since the first decade under the Constitution. They are expected to vote for the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the party that nominated them. Notwithstanding this expectation, individual electors have sometimes not honored their commitment, voting for a different candidate or candidates than the ones to whom they were pledged. In fact, the balance of opinion by constitutional scholars is that, once electors have been chosen, they remain constitutionally free agents, able to vote for any candidate who meets the requirements for President and Vice President.

Faithless electors have, however, been few in number in the 20th century, there was one each in , , , , , , , and , and have never influenced the outcome of a presidential election. Nomination of elector-candidates is another of the many aspects of this system left to state and political party preferences. General election ballots, which are regulated by state election laws and authorities, offer voters joint candidacies for President and Vice President for each political party or other group. Thus, voters cast a single vote for electors pledged to the joint ticket of the party they represent. They cannot effectively vote for a president from one party and a vice president from another, unless their state provides for write-in votes.

Elections for all federal elected officials are held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even-numbered years and presidential elections are held in every year divisible by four. Congress selected this day in ; previously, states held elections on different days between September and November, a practice that sometimes led to multiple voting across state lines and other fraudulent practices. By tradition, November was chosen because the harvest was in and farmers were able to take the time needed to vote. Travel was also easier throughout the north during November, before winter had set in.

Congress sets the date on which the electors meet, currently the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. The electors almost always meet in the state capital, usually in the capitol building or state house itself. The results are then endorsed, and copies are sent to the Vice President in his capacity as President of the Senate ; the secretary of state of their state; the Archivist of the United States; and the judge of the federal district court of the district in which the electors met. Having performed their constitutional duty, the electors adjourn, and the Electoral College ceases to exist until the next presidential election.

The final step in the presidential election process aside from the presidential inaugural on January 20 is the counting and certification of the electoral votes by Congress. The House of Representatives and Senate meet in joint session in the House chamber on January 6 of the year following the presidential election at pm. It was not an easy task for our founding father to create a document that would last a lifetime. With the Constitutional Convention of , there was a great debate over whether the Articles of Confederation should be revised or abandon. This years race to be president has been filled with many different characters. Twenty three candidates in total to be exact. The final candidates being for the republican party Donald Trump, and for the democratic party Hillary Clinton.

They both went back and forth at each other making sly remarks, and stating the facts to upgrade their candidacy stock. Maansi Dasari Mr. Presidential Election, emerges a cacophony of voices screaming for Electoral College reform. Many are angered by the results, others are confused: how can one candidate receive nearly three million more votes than the other and still lose the election?

However, defenders of the Electoral College, such as Guelzo and. Jackson beat the other contestants in the popular vote, but for the electoral votes, nobody won the majority and the House of Representatives were called to make the decision, ultimately choosing John Quincy Adams. Fast forward four years and Andrew Jackson ran again for president, but the outcome was very different; he. The term anchor baby is typically an offensive term that refers to a child that is born in the United States to a noncitizen mother and granted birthright citizenship. Almost every candidate has had to address this controversial topic in some shape, form, or fashion.

The thoughts on what should be done about the law and the use of the phrase differ among the candidates. Before we talk about the various issues and my own thoughts on the policy, everyone should know the basics of the Birthright Citizenship Law. The American presidential election system can be complicated. It involves several steps in order to just pick a presidential candidate. The process is complex and long, usually taking over a year to complete, and it leads up to the presidential election in November, which happens every four years. The process begins with candidates announcing their run for office, proceeds to one of them being nominated for the party, and ends with one of the parties winning the election. Several political figures from each party will announce themselves in the year before the election, trying to win over their party for a chance at the United States presidency.

These candidates must also qualify under certain requirements set by federal law. Their supporter count is calculated by a tracking poll leading up to the general election. On the day of the election, usually the first Tuesday of November, hundreds of thousands of eligible and registered voters cast their choices, sometimes in a split ticket, or a ballot in which they vote for candidates of multiple parties, though it has become less popular over the past couple of decades to do so.

Their votes are usually based on popular vote, but that does not always happen. Once the voting has ended, the winners are announced, and at the end of January of the next year, they are inaugurated into. Show More. Read More. Advantages Of Electoral College Words 2 Pages The electoral college also know as the presidential electors are chosen to indirectly vote for the next U. Republican And Democratic Parties: A Comparative Analysis 53 Words 1 Pages The Republican and Democratic parties compete against each other for public offices in a levels of the political offices including town councils, state governorships, Congress and the presidency. Should Electoral College Be Abolished Analysis Words 6 Pages I would define it as each states elected representatives and senators will select the president and vice president of the United States US by casting their electoral vote.

Andrew Jackson: A National War Hero Words 3 Pages Jackson beat the other contestants in the popular vote, but for the electoral votes, nobody won the majority and the House of Representatives were called to make the decision, ultimately choosing John Quincy Adams. Related Topics. Open Document.

Non-compensatory mixed How To Get Rid Of The Death Penalty Persuasive Essay Parallel voting mixed-member majoritarian. Donald Trump became the fifth president to win despite losing the popular vote injoining the ranks of Just in terms of principle, democracy versus a republic, consider a sports analogy. The electoral college consists of electors and in order to win the presidency, a majority of electoral votes The Components Of The Electoral College System required. Each state gets a number of electors equal to its number of members in the U. As of the election, there The Components Of The Electoral College System electors, and the votes of a majority of them— How Did Germany Support The Treaty Of Versailles required to be elected. Reasons to Keep the Electoral College.