✍️✍️✍️ The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

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The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

They do not wait to consider their moves; rather, they act in the here and now, with little or no The Keirsey Temperament Sorter or preparation. Architects need The Keirsey Temperament Sorter be thought of as only interested in drawing blueprints for buildings or roads Baz Luhrmann The Great Gatsby Comparison bridges. Champions have a wide range and variety of emotions, and a great passion for novelty. Words: - Pages: 6. Further, I ' m not judging any of my answers as right or Acne Makeup Research Paper, merely as mine.

Introduction to Keirsey Temperament Sorter

My personality may seem a bit spontaneous at times, but it is usually stable. I see myself as an angry person who just wants things to work out in the end. Although it may seem as if I am detached or uninterested, in the end I always want to make sure everyone is happy. A lot of my friends and some of my siblings have told me that I act to much like their mom. After reading the characteristics of this personality type, I believe my personality fits this category almost perfectly.

I am a very fun-loving and optimistic person with a strong desire for spontaneity. For example, I never plan trips, but instead I find things to do once I reach my destination. Also, I am always trying to entertain others and make people happy. The only thing that. It is one of the most widely used personality instruments assessments tests and was created by Dr. The assessment asks 70 questions to help. After taking both tests, I analyzed them using my knowledge of general psychology and of my own actions.

I found the. For all these reasons, Protectors are frequently overworked, just as they are frequently misunderstood and undervalued. Their contributions, and also their economies, are often taken for granted, and they rarely get the gratitude they deserve. There are lots of Promoters — maybe ten or so percent of the population, and life is never dull around them. In a word, they are men and women of action. When a Promoter is present, things begin to happen: the lights come on, the music plays, the games begin. Clever and full of fun, Promoters live with a theatrical flourish which makes even the most routine events seem exciting. Not that they waste much time on routine events. In work and in play, Promoters demand new activities and new challenges.

Bold and daring at heart, and ever-optimistic that things will go their way, Promoters will take tremendous risks to get what they want, and seem exhilarated by walking close to the edge of disaster. Because of this, they make the very best trouble-spot administrators and negotiators, and they can be outstanding entrepreneurs, able to swing deals and kick-start enterprises in a way no other type can. Promoters also have a hearty appetite for the finer things of life, the best food, the best wine, expensive cars, and fashionable clothes.

And they are extremely sophisticated in social circles, knowing many, many people by name, and knowing how to say just the right thing to most everyone they meet. Charming, confident, and popular, Promoters delight their friends and investors with their endless supply of stories and jokes. At the same time, these smooth operators are usually something of a mystery to others. While they live in the moment and lend excitement — and unpredictability — to all their relationships, they rarely let anyone get really close to them. They have a low tolerance for authority and commitment, and are likely to leave situations where they are expected to toe the mark, or where they must play second fiddle.

The nature of Crafters is most clearly seen in their masterful operation of tools, equipment, machines, and instruments of all kinds. Most us use tools in some capacity, of course, but Crafters as much as ten percent of the population are the true masters of tool work, with an innate ability to command tools and to become expert at all the crafts requiring tool skills. Even from an early age they are drawn to tools as if to a magnet — tools fall into their hands demanding use, and they must work with them. Like all the Artisans, Crafters are people who love action, and who know instinctively that their activities are more enjoyable, and more effective, if done impulsively, spontaneously, subject to no schedules or standards but their own. In a sense, Crafters do not work with their tools, but play with them when the urge strikes them.

Crafters also seek fun and games on impulse, looking for any opportunity, and just because they feel like it, to play with their various toys: cars, motorcycles, boats, dune-buggies, hunting rifles, fishing tackle, scuba gear, and on and on. They thrive on excitement, particularly the rush of speed-racing, water-skiing, surfing. And Crafters are fearless in their play, exposing themselves to danger again and again, even despite frequent injury. Of all the types, Crafters are most likely to be risk takers, pitting themselves, or their technique, against chance or odds.

Perhaps this is because they tend to communicate through action, and show little interest in developing language skills. Their lack of expressiveness can isolate them at school and on the job, and even though they hang around with their own kind in play, they let their actions speak for them, and their actual conversation is sparse and brief. Crafters can be wonderfully generous and loyal to their friends, teammates, and sidekicks, often giving up their evenings or weekends to help with building projects or mechanical repairs-house remodeling, for example, or working on cars or boats.

On the other hand, they can be fiercely insubordinate to those in authority, seeing rules and regulations as unnecessarily confining. Crafters will not usually go against regulations openly, but will simply ignore them. Performers have the special ability, even among the Artisans, to delight those around them with their warmth, their good humor, and with their often extraordinary skills in music, comedy, and drama.

Whether on the job, with friends, or with their families, Performers are exciting and full of fun, and their great social interest lies in stimulating those around them to take a break from work and worry, to lighten up and enjoy life. Performers are plentiful, something over ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate, because they bring pleasure to so many of us. Performers also like to live in the fast lane, and seem up on the latest fashions of dress, food, drink, and music. Lively and uninhibited, Performers are the life of the party, always trying to create in those around them a mood of eat, drink, and be merry.

Pleasure seems to be an end in itself for them, and variety is the spice of life. And so Performers are open to trying almost anything that promises them a good time, not always giving enough thought to the consequences. They give what they have to one and all without expectation of reward, just as they love freely, and without expecting anything in return. In so many ways, Performers view life as an eternal cornucopia from which flows an endless supply of pleasures.

While the other Artisans are skilled with people, tools, and entertainment, Composers have an exceptional ability-seemingly inborn-to work with subtle differences in color, tone, texture, aroma, and flavor. Although Composers often put long, lonely hours into their artistry, they are just as impulsive as the other Artisans. They do not wait to consider their moves; rather, they act in the here and now, with little or no planning or preparation.

Composers are seized by the act of artistic composition, as if caught up in a whirlwind. The act is their master, not the reverse. Composers paint or sculpt, they dance or skate, they write melodies or make recipes-or whatever-simply because they must. They climb the mountain because it is there. This ability to lose themselves in action accounts for the spectacular individual accomplishments of some Composers, and yet on their social side they show a kindness unmatched by all the other types.

Composers are especially sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, and they sympathize freely with the sufferer. Some have a remarkable way with young children, almost as if there were a natural bond of sympathy and trust between them. A similar bond may be seen between some Composers and animals, even wild animals. Many Composers have an instinctive longing for the wilds, and nature seems to welcome them.

Composers are just as plentiful as the other Artisans, say nine or ten per cent of the population, but in general they are very difficult to observe and thus greatly misunderstood. Very likely the difficulty comes from their tendency not to express themselves verbally, but through their works of art. Composers are usually not interested in developing ability in public speaking, or even in the art of conversation; they prefer to feel the pulse of life by touch, in the muscles, in the eyes, in the ears, on the tongue. Make no mistake, Composers are just as interested as other types in sharing their view of the world, and if they find a medium of non-verbal communication-some art form-then they will express their character quite eloquently. If not, they simply remain unknown, their quietness leaving their character all but invisible.

Teachers around two percent of the population are able — effortlessly, it seems, and almost endlessly-to dream up fascinating learning activities for their students to engage in. In some Teachers, this ability to fire the imagination can amount to a kind of genius which other types find hard to emulate. But perhaps their greatest strength lies in their belief in their students. Teachers look for the best in their students, and communicate clearly that each one has untold potential, and this confidence can inspire their students to grow and develop more than they ever thought possible.

In whatever field they choose, Teachers consider people their highest priority, and they instinctively communicate personal concern and a willingness to become involved. Warmly outgoing, and perhaps the most expressive of all the types, Teachers are remarkably good with language, especially when communicating in speech, face to face. And they do not hesitate to speak out and let their feelings be known. Bubbling with enthusiasm, Teachers will voice their passions with dramatic flourish, and can, with practice, become charismatic public speakers. This verbal ability gives Teachers a good deal of influence in groups, and they are often asked to take a leadership role. Teachers like things settled and organized, and will schedule their work hours and social engagements well ahead of time — and they are absolutely trustworthy in honoring these commitments.

Valuing as they do interpersonal cooperation and harmonious relations, Teachers are extraordinarily tolerant of others, are easy to get along with, and are usually popular wherever they are. Teachers are highly sensitive to others, which is to say their intuition tends to be well developed. Certainly their insight into themselves and others is unparalleled. Without a doubt, they know what is going on inside themselves, and they can read other people with uncanny accuracy. Teachers also identify with others quite easily, and will actually find themselves picking up the characteristics, emotions, and beliefs of those around them. Counselors have an exceptionally strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others, and find great personal fulfillment interacting with people, nurturing their personal development, guiding them to realize their human potential.

Although they are happy working at jobs such as writing that require solitude and close attention, Counselors do quite well with individuals or groups of people, provided that the personal interactions are not superficial, and that they find some quiet, private time every now and then to recharge their batteries. Counselors are both kind and positive in their handling of others; they are great listeners and seem naturally interested in helping people with their personal problems. Not usually visible leaders, Counselors prefer to work intensely with those close to them, especially on a one-to-one basis, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes. Counselors are scarce, little more than three percent of the population, and can be hard to get to know, since they tend not to share their innermost thoughts or their powerful emotional reactions except with their loved ones.

They are highly private people, with an unusually rich, complicated inner life. Friends or colleagues who have known them for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that Counselors are flighty or scattered; they value their integrity a great deal, but they have mysterious, intricately woven personalities which sometimes puzzle even them. Counselors tend to work effectively in organizations. They value staff harmony and make every effort to help an organization run smoothly and pleasantly.

They understand and use human systems creatively, and are good at consulting and cooperating with others. Blessed with vivid imaginations, Counselors are often seen as the most poetical of all the types, and in fact they use a lot of poetic imagery in their everyday language. Their great talent for language-both written and spoken-is usually directed toward communicating with people in a personalized way. Like the other Idealists, Champions are rather rare, say three or four percent of the population, but even more than the others they consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to a full life.

Champions have a wide range and variety of emotions, and a great passion for novelty. They see life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil, and they want to experience all the meaningful events and fascinating people in the world. Champions can be tireless in talking with others, like fountains that bubble and splash, spilling over their own words to get it all out.

And usually this is not simple storytelling; Champions often speak or write in the hope of revealing some truth about human experience, or of motivating others with their powerful convictions. Their strong drive to speak out on issues and events, along with their boundless enthusiasm and natural talent with language, makes them the most vivacious and inspiring of all the types. Fiercely individualistic, Champions strive toward a kind of personal authenticity, and this intention always to be themselves is usually quite attractive to others.

At the same time, Champions have outstanding intuitive powers and can tell what is going on inside of others, reading hidden emotions and giving special significance to words or actions. If so, it makes sense to take the test to find out whether that is really the best type of job for you. You'll not only clear the path to employment, but you'll discover whether you're on the right track or not. If you aren't required to take the test by your employer or prospective employer, though, is there any other reason to take it? You may find benefit in the test if you feel confused about what to do next with your life. When you receive the test results, you may reject the conclusions you read.

Even if so, you may discover something important about your reactions and behaviors. And because the test only reveals your preferences and not your skills and knowledge, you may still be able to find work doing what you originally intended to, even if it's with another corporation. Most people, however, feel that the Keirsey Temperament Sorter results describe them very well. They may feel they understand themselves for the first time in their lives. They might go on to pursue their dreams with more vigor and excitement. Does everyone need to take the KSI, though?

The truth is that, while it can be very helpful, it isn't essential to success in any area of life. Think of all the great thinkers and doers of the world who have made monumental impacts without ever having taken the test. What's important is that you understand yourself in your own way, know what you want in life, and appreciate your own personal strengths. If you feel out of touch with who you really are, another option is to talk to a therapist about your confusion and uncertainty.

They can help you identify your strengths and preferences. While in therapy, you can also identify your weak areas and learn ways to bolster them. You can speak with a licensed counselor at BetterHelp. A therapist will be matched to you, one who can help you in your situation. Online therapy is a convenient and affordable way to discover what makes you tick, overcome weaknesses, and adjust your life journey to more fully encompass your deepest strengths! A General Definition of Temperament Temperament has been defined and described many different ways.

Source: rawpixel. Who Is Keirsey? What Is the Keirsey Temperament Sorter? Keirsey's Four Temperaments Although Keirsey used the word "temperament," his work is often referred to as a personality theory. Artisan For Keirsey, the Artisan temperament was defined by adaptability and tendency to favor concrete action. Guardian The Guardian temperament shares a love of the concrete with the Artisans.

Rational People who are Rationals prefer abstraction like Idealists, but they are more concerned with objectivity. Keirsey's 16 Subtypes Keirsey broke down his four temperament types into 16 subtypes. These rights are: Inner ring: abstract vs concrete Second ring: cooperative vs pragmatic Third ring: proactive vs reactive Fourth ring: expressive vs attentive Keirsey used the letters Myers-Briggs had used before to label personality types in his description of temperament types. The individual letters stand for: S: sensing T: thinking P: perceiving J: judging N: intuiting F: feeling E: extroversion expressive I: introversion attentive Further, Keirsey used these four rings together with his four temperament types to come up with 16 subtypes.

The subtypes are: Artisan Performer ESFP , who is an entertainer, proficient at improvising and excels in demonstrating. Composer ISFP , who is a performer, a great improviser and excels at synthesizing. Promoter EFTP , who is an operator, best at expediting and persuading others. Crafter ISTP , who is an operator and excels at expediting and using instruments. Protector ISFJ , who is a conservator, great at supporting and excels at securing. Supervisor ESTJ who is an administrator, best at regulating and enforcing.

Inspector ISTJ , who is an administrator, best at regulating and certifying. Architect INTP , an engineer who is great at constructing and designing. Fieldmarshall ENTJ , a coordinator who is good at arranging and mobilizing. Mastermind INTJ , a coordinator who is best at arranging and entailing. Healer INFP , an advocate who excels in mediating and conciliating. Teacher ENFJ , a mentor who does best in developing and educating. Counselor INFJ , a mentor who is best at developing and guiding. Keirsey vs Myers-Briggs Although Keirsey and Myers-Briggs uses the same 4 pairs of letters to sort between individual preferences, they use them differently. Source: pixabay.

If so, it makes sense to take the test to find out whether that is really the best type of job The Keirsey Temperament Sorter you. This paper aims to analyze Spurlocks Use Of Humor In Film personality as a The Keirsey Temperament Sorter and it also goes into details about every aspect of my personality as per the Jung Typology Test. The J-P The Keirsey Temperament Sorter measures how people process information and arrange their lives. David Keirsey. Because of this, they make the very best trouble-spot administrators and negotiators, and they can be outstanding Baldwins Scopes Analysis, able to swing deals and kick-start enterprises in a way no other type can.