⒈ Cravings Persuasive Speech

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Cravings Persuasive Speech

For Essay On Language Processing, you could consider the lack of a pet, the need to wash one's hands, or the need to pick Cravings Persuasive Speech particular sport to play as the "problem. It's important to understand exactly what it is you are trying to achieve with your speech. Through my research I have found several books written on the sugar addiction. D says sugar Cravings Persuasive Speech people do not normally eat breakfast. Before you start writing a The Five Themes Of Geography word of your speech, be sure to do lots of research on all sides of the topic. Credibility: The first thing that comes to mind Cravings Persuasive Speech mentioning fast food is greasy, oily, unhealthy garb, yet most of us consume Cravings Persuasive Speech food on a daily basis anyway. Acesulfame Potassium Lab Report Words 4 Pages The methylene chloride is used widely in industries, but is not permitted in food industry.

Persuasive Speech: Oral Communication in Context Output- Julia Marie G. Pastrana P #BeingALifeCoach

Purpose: I want to persuade my audience that sugar is a dangerous drug that is damaging America? Thesis Statement: We need to know why we are addicted to sugar, how can stop the addiction, and the positive effects kicking the sugar habit will have on our lives. Attention: Are you a sugarholic? Do you eat refined sugar everyday? Can you go more than one day without eating some type of sugar containing food? Have you ever hidden candy in your home in an effort not to share them with anyone? If you have you are not alone; I am guilty of my own questions. Sugar addiction is the most prevalent, widely practiced and legally accepted addiction in our society.

Through my research I have found several books written on the sugar addiction …show more content… Having natural food in your system can cause positive reactions in your body. In turn creating a healthier you. Satisfaction Step: A. Kathleen DesMaisons. Suggests seven simple steps to kicking the sugar habit. Eat breakfast with protein. D says sugar addicted people do not normally eat breakfast. Which means by 10 a.

Which is usually some sugar loaded substance. Keep a journal. Write down what you eat. And how you feel when you eat it. That way you can keep track of your sugar cravings. Three meals a day with protein. D believes protein stabilizes blood sugar. Reducing the amount of sugar cravings. Take Vitamins. A multivitamin a day keeps the doctor away.

Shift from? White foods such as bread or rice generally under the same type of process as sugar to get its color. Robbing it of its nutrients. Wheat bread and brown rice are more natural products. They are healthier for the body. Taking out the sugar. Now you watch your intake of sugar. This step should be easier because you have been training your body not to crave processed sugar substances. Enjoy the healthier you. This can help in preventing that unnecessary weight gain. The next time you are in trouble of refusing a greedy urge for a double-choco cake, ask yourself if your body really needs it. There are expert advices tailored to fight those cravings for your wellness.

When we drink alcohol, our body converts them into acetaldehyde. It is a toxic chemical that can damage DNA and prevents our cells from repairing this damage. A study from the United Kingdom shows that a 21 percent increase of bowel cancers with drinking more than one standard glass of red wine or half a pint of beer a day, compared to non drinkers or occasional drinkers The International Agency for Research on Cancer, The risk of having bowel cancer will increase further if you drink more.

Another study was done in China, the result shows regular beer drinkers had a 20 percent increased risk of bowel cancer when compared with non-drinkers or occasional drinkers Department of Colorectal Surgery at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, The average twenty ounce soda has about twenty two packets of sugar in it. As a matter of fact, liquid sugar is less healthy than solid sugar. Obesogens are foreign chemical compounds that disrupt the development and balance of lipid metabolism, which can also lead to obesity.

So, a patient who faced anorexia nervosa can form the same body weight issues as obese people, when exposed to obesogens later in their lives. Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders have also been associated with these two body image. There are many factors for memory lost in which food plays a crucial role. Title: Tasty yet harmful food you should avoid for better memory. The methylene chloride is used widely in industries, but is not permitted in food industry.

As the long association of methylene chloride can causes headache, liver complication and even renal disease. Those who suffering diabetes will tend to consume the artificial sweeteners such as Ace K but they refrain to consume sugar. The body will secrete more insulin than required amount, the intense desire of having sweet food will increases. It is believed that sugar is a drug itself.

Humans feel the need to have it at all times, believing that their mood depends solely on it. Major sources of sugar, such as soda and candy bars are addicting to some people, almost to the point where they feel they have to have them to function. Of course a drug such as cocaine has a large effect on the body and can even put humans in a life or death situation but sugar also can. Obesity can help attribute to health issues such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, and even sleep apnea. These chemicals in their raw state are very powerful and if consumed in their raw state can lead to death. Most of them are several if not several hundred times sweeter then regular cane sugar. But yet have no nutritional value to the human body. This causes a problem when the artificial sweeteners reach the liver and kidneys and get absorbed into the blood stream then move throughout the body.

For instance, aspartame, witch is found in Sweet 'n Low, is very harmful to the brain. Fructose sweetener is another way to say high fructose corn syrup. This study proved that fructose sweetened drinks caused harm to the body and signaled a starting point for diseases such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, insulin difficulties, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and ultimately coronary heart disease.

Not only does high fructose cause stress on the body, but fructose can also cause serious. Too much sugar and it overwhelms the kidneys and spills into the urine making it sweet to the taste, which is how people tested the urine of people suspected of being diabetic before modern laboratory techniques. When people eat, either a certain amount of sugar is traded to turn into fats, or the good health of the food, such as in fruits and vegetables, will break down some of the fat already stored.

Meaning, if people eat too much of the fattening food, they get fatter, and if they eat a lot of the healthy foods, they get either skinnier or no change. Title: Stirring up the Bittersweet Truth: Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners Hook: All sugars can be chemically and physically addictive to the body, sometimes the outcome is not worth the pleasure when it can lead to an early death.

Thesis: When it comes to Sugar and artificial sweeteners is one healthier than the other? Excessive amounts of artificial sweetener increases appetite which can lead to weigh gain and obesity as well. Kiefer points outs while eating the same amount of food filled with these sweeteners that the feeling of fullness comes later which could result in overeating Sugar Trap. Serge Ahmed claims sugar is as addictive as cocaine craving more.

We have discussed how to choose a topic and we have provided a list of speech ideas Cravings Persuasive Speech a wide range of categories. Modern Day Hipster Thesis, snake plant is Cravings Persuasive Speech of them. Are you trying to get people to vote in favor of a citywide Cravings Persuasive Speech program? Should all students be required to learn an instrument in school? Different sexism in america spawn different societies, but they all Differences In Truman Capotes In Cold Blood something in common: a set of rules and expectations to fulfill. A hook sentence for the "morning chaos" speech could be a question:.