➊ Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech

Friday, January 07, 2022 4:49:48 PM

Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech

In this case some people might call you foolish but Providence will prove that it pays to stay foolish. Living multiple times and all that. I Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech the honor of being here with you today at your beginning in one of the best universities in the world. Bartlet: In the future, if you're wondering, "Crime. Bartlet Why The Grandmother In A Good Man Is Hard To Find has me overthrowing the government. Distinguished guests, we are happy to have you.

Ethos in Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech

As the Christian Science Monitor of November 15, , notes, it takes a gallon of gasoline or more to make a gallon of ethanol. And while this is an important concern, efficiency is the least of our worries. Turning this crop into fuel creates two major problems for our society: first, environmental degradation; and second, acceleration of global famine. First, corn ethanol damages the environment as much as, if not more than, fossil fuels.

The journal Ethanol and Bio-diesel News of September asserts that the production of corn ethanol is pushing natural resources to the breaking point. But with corn ethanol being so profitable, understandably, farmers have stopped rotating crops, leading to soil erosion, deforestation, and fertilizer runoff—making our soil less fertile and more toxic. And the story only gets worse once the ethanol is manufactured.

The second problem created from corn ethanol is the acceleration of global famine. According to the US Grains Council, last year, 27 million tons of corn, traditionally used as food, was turned into ethanol, drastically increasing food prices. The March 7, , issue of The Wall Street Journal explains that lower supplies of corn needed for necessities such as farm feed, corn oil, and corn syrup have increased our food costs in everything from milk to bread, eggs, and even beer as much as 25 percent. The St. Louis Post Dispatch of April 12, , reports that the amount of corn used to fill one tank of gas could feed one person for an entire year. The Financial Times of May 27, , reports that the narrative surrounding corn ethanol as a homegrown fuel is so desirable that critical thinking is understandably almost nonexistent.

To start thinking critically about corn ethanol, we need to examine solutions on both the federal and personal levels. First, at the federal level, our government must end the ridiculously high subsidies surrounding corn ethanol. On June 24, , The Washington Post predicted that subsidies on corn ethanol would cost the federal government an extra billion dollars by The Economist of June 2, , reports that other materials such as switch grass and wood chips can be used instead of corn. And on July 6, , The New York Times reported on ethanol made from corn cobs, leaves, and husks, which leaves the corn kernels to be used as food. The government could use the money paid in subsidies to support this kind of responsible production of ethanol.

The point is that ethanol done right can honestly help with energy independence. On the personal level, we have all participated in the most important step, which is being knowledgeable about the true face of corn ethanol. So please, talk to friends and family about corn ethanol while there is still time. Here you will find informational materials, links to your congressional representatives, and ways to invest in switch grass and wood ethanol.

Iowa is turning so much corn into ethanol that soon the state will have to import corn to eat. And while my hometown of Denison has gained much from corn ethanol, we all have much more to lose from it. The final general purpose people can have for public speaking is to entertain. Whereas informative and persuasive speech making is focused on the end result of the speech process, entertainment speaking is focused on the theme and occasion of the speech. An entertaining speech can be either informative or persuasive at its root, but the context or theme of the speech requires speakers to think about the speech primarily in terms of audience enjoyment. Entertaining speeches are very common in everyday life.

The fundamental goal of an entertaining speech is audience enjoyment, which can come in a variety of forms. Entertaining speeches can be funny or serious. Overall, entertaining speeches are not designed to give an audience a deep understanding of life but instead to function as a way to divert an audience from their day-to-day lives for a short period of time. This is not to say that an entertaining speech cannot have real content that is highly informative or persuasive, but its goal is primarily about the entertaining aspects of the speech and not focused on the informative or persuasive quality of the speech.

There are three basic types of entertaining speeches: the after-dinner speech, the ceremonial speech, and the inspirational speech. The after-dinner speech is a form of speaking where a speaker takes a serious speech topic either informative or persuasive and injects a level of humor into the speech to make it entertaining. Roye, S. Austan Goolsbee a funny stand-up comedian? Not even close… [Web log post]. A ceremonial speech is a type of entertaining speech where the specific context of the speech is the driving force of the speech.

Common types of ceremonial speeches include introductions, toasts, and eulogies. In each of these cases, there are specific events that drive the speech. In each of these cases, the speech and the purpose of the speech is determined by the context of the event and not by the desire to inform or persuade. Inspirational speeches are based in emotion with the goal to motivate listeners to alter their lives in some significant way. Littauer demonstrates how people can use positive comments to encourage others in their daily lives. The following speech, by an undergraduate student named Adam Fink, is an entertainment speech.

Specifically, this speech is a ceremonial speech given at Mr. As with our earlier examples, while this speech is written out as a text for purposes of analysis, in your public speaking course you will most likely be assigned to speak from an outline or notes, not a fully written script. Notice that the tenor of this speech is persuasive but that it persuades in a more inspiring way than just building and proving an argument.

Good evening! The most notable ones had eight things in common. They reflected on the past, pondered about the future. They encouraged the honorees. They all included some sort of personal story and application. They made people laugh at least fifteen times. They referred to the university as the finest university in the nation or world, and last but not least they all greeted the people in attendance. President Holst, thank you for coming. Faculty members and staff, salutations to you all. Distinguished guests, we are happy to have you. Family members and friends, we could not be here without you. Finally, ladies and gentlemen of the class of , welcome to your commencement day here at Concordia University, Saint Paul, this, the finest university in the galaxy, nay, universe.

Check and check! Graduates, we are not here to watch as our siblings, our parents, friends, or other family walk across this stage. We are here because today is our graduation day. I am going to go off on a tangent for a little bit. Over the past umpteen years, I have seen my fair share of graduations and ceremonies. Seriously, I have more family members than friends. I remember sitting here in these very seats, intently listening to the president and other distinguished guests speak, again saying welcome and thank you for coming.

Each year, I got a little bit better at staying awake throughout the entire ceremony. Every time I would come up with something new to keep myself awake, daydreams, pinching my arms, or pulling leg hair; I was a very creative individual. I am proud to say that I have been awake for the entirety of this ceremony. I would like to personally thank my classmates and colleagues sitting around me for slapping me every time I even thought about dozing off.

Personal story, check—and now, application! If you need a close friend or colleague to keep you awake, ask. Stay occupied but leave room for relaxation; embrace your hobbies. The film montages hundreds of statistics together, laying down the ground work to tell viewers that we are approaching a crossroad. The way we live is about to change dramatically. We are living in exponential times. We are at a crossing point here, now. Each of us is graduating; we are preparing to leave this place we have called home for the past few years.

Let us walk away with happy memories. We have been fortunate enough to see more change in our time here than most alumni see at their alma mater in a lifetime. We have seen the destruction of Centennial, Minnesota, and Walther. Ladies, it might not mean a lot to you, but gentlemen, we had some good times there. We have seen the building and completion of the new Residence Life Center. We now see the beginnings of our very own stadium. We have seen enough offices and departments move to last any business a lifetime.

I encourage all of you to walk out of this place with flashes of the old times flickering through your brains. Reflection, check! We are all held together right here and now, by a common bond of unity. We are one graduating class. We need that service now. America needs selfless acts of service. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Let us come back next fall for our first reunion, the Zero Class Reunion hosted by the wonderful and amazing workers in the alumni department. Let us go and make disciples of all nations, guided by His Word. Congratulations, graduates! I hope to see you next homecoming. Encouragement, check! One of the most common stumbling blocks for novice public speakers is selecting their first speech topic. Generally, your public speaking instructor will provide you with some fairly specific parameters to make this a little easier.

You may be assigned to tell about an event that has shaped your life or to demonstrate how to do something. Whatever your basic parameters, at some point you as the speaker will need to settle on a specific topic. Whether in a classroom situation or in the boardroom, speakers are typically given specific instructions that they must follow. These instructions constrain the speaker and limit what the speaker can say. For example, in the professional world of public speaking, speakers are often hired to speak about a specific topic e.

In the workplace, a supervisor may assign a subordinate to present certain information in a meeting. In these kinds of situations, when a speaker is hired or assigned to talk about a specific topic, he or she cannot decide to talk about something else. Furthermore, the speaker may have been asked to speak for an hour, only to show up and find out that the event is running behind schedule, so the speech must now be made in only thirty minutes.

Having prepared sixty minutes of material, the speaker now has to determine what stays in the speech and what must go. In both of these instances, the speaker is constrained as to what he or she can say during a speech. Typically, we refer to four primary constraints: purpose, audience, context, and time frame. The first major constraint someone can have involves the general purpose of the speech. As mentioned earlier, there are three general purposes: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.

In most public speaking classes, this is the first constraint students will come in contact with because generally teachers will tell you the exact purpose for each speech in the class. The second major constraint that you need to consider as a speaker is the type of audience you will have. As discussed in the chapter on audience analysis, different audiences have different political, religious, and ideological leanings. As such, choosing a speech topic for an audience that has a specific mindset can be very tricky. Unfortunately, choosing what topics may or may not be appropriate for a given audience is based on generalizations about specific audiences.

You may think that all Democrats are liberal or progressive, but there are many conservative Democrats as well. If you assume that all Democrats are liberal or progressive, you may end up offending your audience by making such a generalization without knowing better. Obviously, the best way to prevent yourself from picking a topic that is inappropriate for a specific audience is to really know your audience, which is why we recommend conducting an audience analysis, as described in Chapter 5 "Audience Analysis".

The third major constraint relates to the context. For speaking purposes, the context of a speech is the set of circumstances surrounding a particular speech. There are countless different contexts in which we can find ourselves speaking: a classroom in college, a religious congregation, a corporate boardroom, a retirement village, or a political convention. In each of these different contexts, the expectations for a speaker are going to be unique and different.

The topics that may be appropriate in front of a religious group may not be appropriate in the corporate boardroom. Topics appropriate for the corporate boardroom may not be appropriate at a political convention. The last—but by no means least important—major constraint that you will face is the time frame of your speech. In speeches that are under ten minutes in length, you must narrowly focus a topic to one major idea. For example, in a ten-minute speech, you could not realistically hope to discuss the entire topic of the US Social Security program. There are countless books, research articles, websites, and other forms of media on the topic of Social Security, so trying to crystallize all that information into ten minutes is just not realistic.

Instead, narrow your topic to something that is more realistically manageable within your allotted time. You might choose to inform your audience about Social Security disability benefits, using one individual disabled person as an example. Or perhaps you could speak about the career of Robert J. Myers, one of the original architects of Social Security. See, for example, Social Security Administration Robert J. Myers oral history interview. Once you know what the basic constraints are for your speech, you can then start thinking about picking a topic. The first aspect to consider is what subject area you are interested in examining. A subject area A broad area of knowledge e.

Art, business, history, physical sciences, social sciences, humanities, and education are all examples of subject areas. When selecting a topic, start by casting a broad net because it will help you limit and weed out topics quickly. Furthermore, each of these broad subject areas has a range of subject areas beneath it. We can further break down these broad areas into even narrower subject areas e. As you can see, topic selection is a narrowing process. Narrowing your topic to something manageable for the constraints of your speech is something that takes time, patience, and experience. One of the biggest mistakes that new public speakers make is not narrowing their topics sufficiently given the constraints. In the previous section, we started demonstrating how the narrowing process works, but even in those examples, we narrowed subject areas down to fairly broad areas of knowledge.

Think of narrowing as a funnel. At the top of the funnel are the broad subject areas, and your goal is to narrow your topic further and further down until just one topic can come out the other end of the funnel. The more focused your topic is, the easier your speech is to research, write, and deliver. The broad area we are going to narrow in this example is Middle Eastern art. You may think that your topic is now sufficiently narrow, but even within the topic of Anatolian art, there are smaller categories: pre-Hittite, Hittite, Uratu, and Phrygian periods of art. Although we have now selected a specific period of art history in Anatolia, we are still looking at a five-hundred-year period in which a great deal of art was created. One famous Phrygian king was King Midas, who according to myth was given the ears of a donkey and the power of a golden touch by the Greek gods.

As such, there is an interesting array of art from the period of Midas and its Greek counterparts representing Midas. At this point, we could create a topic about how Phrygian and Grecian art differed in their portrayals of King Midas. We now have a topic that is unique, interesting, and definitely manageable in five to seven minutes. Overall, when narrowing your topic, you should start by asking yourself four basic questions based on the constraints discussed earlier in this section:. Uh-oh, what if you have no clue what to speak about at all? Thankfully, there are many places where you can get help finding a good topic for you.

The first way to find a good topic is to conduct what we call a personal inventory. A personal inventory A detailed and descriptive list about an individual. You wewe vague, you wewe howstiwe, you wewe bewwigewent! President Bartlet : This is more important than re-election; I want to speak now. Leo: on phone Seventeen across. Seventeen across is wrong. You're spelling his name wrong. Who am I? My name doesn't matter. I'm just an ordinary citizen who relies on the Times crossword for stimulation. And I'm telling you that I've met the man twice, and I've recommended a preemptive Exocet Missile attack against his air force, so I think I know how to Leo: stares at receiver They hang up on me.

Every time. Sam : Isn't that what we always say right before it becomes a big deal? Bernard : Cayou was a contemporary of Corbet, who was considerably more gifted. This is a painting of the cliffs at Etritat, cleverly titled "The Cliffs at Etritat"; it is a minor work. The President, on a visit to the National Gallery, and possessing even less taste in fine art than you have in accessories, announced that he liked the painting. The French government offered it as a gift to the White House, I suppose as retribution for Euro Disney, so here it hangs, like a gym sock on a shower rod.

Josh Lyman : Hey, lunatic lady, trust me when I tell you there is absolutely no way you are going to see the President! Congressman Richardson : In the meantime, please don't tell me how to be a leader of black men. You look like an idiot. Josh: I don't practice law, I help write the laws. I write the laws, I make the laws, I am the law. Bartlet : Just remember these two things: she's nineteen years old, and the 82nd Airborne works for me. Josh: I see won't be talking about the tax cut. Leo: We won't be. But we've agreed to call it "tax relief" instead of a tax cut. Josh: We're calling it tax relief? Leo: Yeah.

Josh: But we won't be talking about it. Leo: No. Josh: Leo, the Patient's Bill of Rights It's fundamentally the same thing and the Republicans have agreed to discuss changing the name back. Josh: In exchange for calling tax breaks "tax relief. Leo: We've agreed to discuss changing the name of the bill. Hoynes: Leo, I have had it up to here, with you and your pal! I've been shoved into a broom closet— Leo: Excuse me! Me and my "pal"? Hoynes: Yes. Leo: You are referring to President Bartlet? Hoynes: Yes! Leo: Refer to him that way. President Bartlet : Well Stevie, if one of our expert panelists were here, they would tell you the average temperature ranges from 15 degrees to Cregg : That happens to be wrong , it ranges from 60 to Jerkass : While the show took pains to paint most political figures as complex and sympathetic and meaning well, some achieve jerk status: Speaker Haffley.

As close to a Strawman Political as the show gets. Vice President Hoynes for his personal failings such as infidelity , but also because he's so calculating he rarely stands for anything why former aide Josh defected to Bartlet. During the campaigns he still thinks he can wrangle the Democratic nomination from either Russell or Santos when the convention is deadlocked but Hoynes foolishly schemes his way out of contention. Secretary of Defense Miles Hutchinson is another good example. The number of times he's mentioned or acts as an antagonist far outweigh the times he is helpful.

And of course, the French Jerk Jean Paul. Conservative Christian pundit Mary Marsh. Jerk with a Heart of Gold : Toby starts out like this. He softens up a bit over the course of the show. Josh to some extent as well. Vice President Hoynes was usually portrayed as a scheming backstabber, but occasionally revealed a more likable side, such as sympathetically inviting Leo to his AA meetings when Leo's pill addiction was about to break the news, and admitting to the President that, despite the tension between them, he'd always liked Bartlet more than he let on.

Kicked Upstairs : In a hilariously convoluted strategy, Toby and Sam have to transfer a series of ambassadors from one nation to another to open up a space in the Federal Election Committee for Bartlet's to insert his own nominees. Landslide Election : Bartlet wins his second election quite handily, although his own party denigrates it as a "lonely landslide" because Bartlet has no coattails. Averted for Santos and Vinick, who are both waiting tensely to make a concession call as their election comes down to the last few electoral votes. Last-Minute Reprieve : A season 1 episode has Bartlet debate whether or not to stay the execution of a death row inmate who has a credible justification for it.

Bartlet lets the execution happen. A similar situation in the series finale, where Bartlet is ruminating on whether or not to pardon Toby up to the last minutes he's legally able to do so. Last-Name Basis : Mrs. Leaning on the Fourth Wall : In the episode "The Women of Qumar," Bartlet tells Charlie he should only take courses on ancient and medieval history because "modern American history is just television. In "Internal Displacement," Will says he's unable to deceive the press: "I can't act!

I'm a terrible actor! Although Sam eventually did come back for the last few episodes, it never was explained why his promotion to Senior Counselor decided on in the two-parter "Inauguration" never happened. Leno Device : Jay appears in an episode that takes place at a Hollywood fundraiser. Like Parent, Like Spouse : Mallory tells Sam "you are so exactly like him" when Sam insists on perfecting an assignment Leo gave him to sabotage their date, rather than going out for coffee with the two of them.

Any potential squickiness is avoided when Sam sincerely calls that the nicest thing she's ever said to him. When Bartlet complains about Zoe's French Jerk boyfriend, Debbie says that "daughters look for their fathers" to tease him. Little "No" : Leo, to Will Bailey when the three campaign managers can't stop bickering and maneuvering. Will : Well I'd like a day to go over this. Everyone gets to work. Cregg : Is that the argument in favor of building it, or is that the argument in favor of not building it? Or is that the argument in favor of building it and not telling anyone? Josh Lyman : [ sounding sadder ] We talk about enemies more than we used to. I wanted to mention that.

Joe : You know, I though I heard what sounded like gunshots when we were talking before, but I didn't Did you hear the shots? Josh : No, but I heard a brass quintet playing "The First Noel," so I just assumed somebody somewhere was locked and loaded. This callback is actually inverted, as Josh's actual PTSD symptom has him interpreting music as sirens, rather than the sound of an emergency gunfire being interpreted as music. President Josiah Bartlet: Education, guns, drugs, school prayer, gays, defense spending, taxes - you name it, we disagree.

President Josiah Bartlet: Because I'm a lily-livered, bleeding-heart, liberal, egghead communist. Senator Lobell: Yes, sir. And I'm a gun-toting, redneck son-of-a-bitch. Jed : They thought I was gonna be eating with Abbey, so, we'll just, you know, pretend there's no candlelight. Leo : [ dryly ] And that we're not paranoid homophobes in any way. Jed: Three hundred IQ points between them, they can't find their way home. I swear to God, if Donna wasn't there, they'd have to buy a house. Toby: You, on the other hand, should turn that frown upside down. Sam : You're not calm, Leo, you're acting like a nervous hoolelia. Toby : [ Beat ] A what? Sam Bartlet: Toby, if we start pulling strings like this, you don't think every homeless veteran would come out of the woodwork?

You wish you spent more time telling your spouse how much you love them more frequently. Write at least words. He thus made every minute a large count of data that he delivered in an undebatable energetic pitch deck. Say what that story, facts, or research study actually means -- don't assume your audience will make the proper connection 3. Direct Speech sometimes called quoted speech is the exact words someone said. According to Dr. Looking for a short 3-minute speech that could change anyone's life? Speech and publication coach Daphne Gray-Grant says that the average person speaks at about to words per minute wpm which Answer: At the normal speaking rate of words per minute wpm , a 3 minutes long speech will have about words.

If the topic is "The Watergate Scandal," use humor to describe a time when you eavesdropped on a conversation before diving into the body of your speech. Try the Fullscreen button in classrooms and meetings :- This is where you can learn how to write a 3 minutes speech. Choosing the topic is important, especially for a 2-minute speech and will help with student progress. Ben ten, superman, Spiderman…. Minutes are a tangible record of the meeting for its participants and a source of information for members who were unable to attend.

Harris called for unity after being the projected winners of the election on Nov. Writing a speech and performing a speech can be nerve racking. If you don't know, stick to 50 seconds to one minute, though speeches in specialized committees are known Example: December 26th, is a day every expert in this room will never forget. For example, do you want them to sign up for something now, and later remember to click a verification link in their email for example? Three Minute Thesis Winner.

Below are three sample speeches delivered to satisfy Toastmasters speech project 3. Time is something that is very precious and important to all of us. Speech should be minutes and can be completed through the assignment tab. Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos and increasing the accessibility of your website. Receive real-time speech recognition results as the API processes the audio input streamed from your application's microphone or sent from a prerecorded audio file inline or through Cloud Storage.

Here's a simple template for a short persuasive speech Yes, you only have about 60 seconds, but try to avoid cramming 15 minutes of information into one minute. Get an answer for 'I have to write a speech that should go for a max. What is the best Samples of dedication speech for classmate? For example with the word increase. It is better if you manage to keep your persuasive speech short. Every monologue on this site adheres to that definition.

If you know you can tell the meaning of your name or any famous celebrity with your name. Company president presenting information about last quarter's sales to a group of board members. Speech recognition and transcription supporting languages. If you have a good first impression and gain the attention of the audience, then till the end of your speech the audience will Unless you've been requested to do otherwise, keep it brief. Note: This calculator provides an indication only. Check out our speech samples to get the upperhand in writing one for your class, for a company, or just for your own personal ambition. Having a good welcome speech is the best way to set the tone for an event, and it can be as simple or as formal as the situation dictates.

Imagine that you're working hard on a new project that's due in about three weeks when suddenly, a coworker comes in to inform you that the client is waiting at the conference room down the hall for an update on the latest model. Take a look. For example, you might say: "You're really going to enjoy the time we spend together this evening. If the topic is not well-known, you might need to take a few minutes toward the end of the speech to elaborate more on the topic. In language, the parts of speech are the categories of words based onUse the three-minute speech to campaign for a change in company policy or a cause you think the business should support.

Tell your personal story, relate pertinent facts, or cite a research study example 2. How to write a Vote of Thanks. An effective introduction, body, and conclusion. President Trump closed out the Republican National Convention on Aug 28 3 minute speech on modern technology - fathimajogee fathimajogee One good thing is the length. For each of the topics below, just think of three main points you'd like to make. So, how to practice a speech? A well-prepared speech means practicing. Our voices pronounce your texts in their own language using a specific accent. This is not the end of your story. Just as our sets of speeches do they say what ought to be said and how to say it.

All three are excellent examples which have a very clear purpose and strong focus on that purpose. However, sharing a complex set of moose population statistics would be less compelling and possibly even confusing to your audience. Become an expert at knowing when and what parts of speech to use with these You can learn a lot about a language by studying examples of parts of speech. Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech. A lighthearted speech grabs the audience's attention, harvests some giggles and will be fondly Ladies and gentlemen, before I forget, after the speeches we must clear the room for twenty minutes to allow the band to set up.

This is because when you have got limited time frame you need to communicate in a more effective way with the audience. Thank you! Story to introduce the symptom e. A part of speech is a group of words that are used in a certain way.

Add a comment. Or is the speaker using Lieberman Human Body possible means—including distorting the truth—to persuade the audience because he or she will derive personal benefits from their adopting a certain behavior or point of view? In fact, understanding and exchanging knowledge is so important that an entire field of study, called knowledge managementhas been Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech to help people especially businesses become more effective at harnessing and Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech knowledge. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away what is a youthful population the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.